Extensible Markup Language (XML) is revolutionizing Web content, electronic commerce, and enterprise computing. As with most technology revolutions, the concept behind XML is deceptively simple – to provide a standardization for specifying the meaning of information exchanged over networks. However, the implications for such a capability ripple throughout the entire field of distributed computing. Organizations, applications, and individuals can communicate far more effectively if they agree on the structure and meaning of information. XML was specifically designed to facilitate such communication over the Internet. Its rapid adoption is taking Web content beyond page layout, e-commerce to a new level of sophistication, and enterprise software into an era of true interoperability. This book serves as a concise guide for technical managers, as well as a starting point for developers interested in taking advantage of XML. It uses clear explanations of XML essentials as a foundation to demonstrate how this technology can substantially benefit your organization. Designed to let you access exactly the information you require, this book clearly delineates different paths through the chap
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